2 Crape Myrtle Natchez

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  • Regular price $23.96
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These starter plants are less than 12 inches tall when we ship them. Pictures used for this web store depict mature plants of the correct species.


This fast-growing small tree or shrub has clusters of creamy white, soft-texture blooms in the summer.  Its smooth tan exfoliating bark with glossy green foliage that turns orange red in the fall grows 15-20 feet tall (10-15 feet wide).  Plant in groups to make a statement all year-round.

Amount of Sunlight: Full sun

Amount of Water: Water regularly; more frequent watering in extreme heat

Soil Conditions: Prefers dry, well-drained soil

Cold Hardiness Zone: 6-9

This easy-to-grow evergreen shrub needs a regular water schedule to ensure the growth of a mature root system.  After the mature root system is established, watering is needed occasionally, except during a drought, watering is needed regularly. Pruning is recommended once per year.

Please read the following terms of the sale completely:

Terms of the sale: The customer agrees to all the following when purchasing from Carlo’s Plant Farm.  All sales are final.  All orders are insured against damage or loss.


The customer assumes all risk of loss or damage once USPS takes possession.   If the order is damaged in any way during shipping, the customer agrees to file an insurance claim.  Carlo’s Plant Farm agrees to assist the customer in filling out the form.

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We reserve the right to delay shipping due to extreme heat or cold.

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2 Crape Myrtle Natchez

2 Crape Myrtle Natchez
