Do`s and Don`ts in Planting

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Do`s and Don`ts in Planting

You probably hire a gardener to mow the lawn and trim the hedges. But according to studies, gardening is therapeutic. Seeing our dear plants growing lively gives us unexplainable emotions. Unfortunately, it isn`t always simple (could it be that we enjoy getting our hands filthy in the dirt and producing something lovely).There are times that we almost give up because there are some plants that obviously we cannot recover even if we tried our best. Later on after doing some observation and research there we find out that there are some things we forgot to make them grow healthy.   When it comes to gardening in the backyard, there are a few things to keep in mind:

Your DO`s

  • Water your plants before sunrise or right before sunset in the evening. So far, 

  • Pay attention to the recommended depth for seed planting. Instructions can be read on your seed packs, read it before planting. 

  • Make sure you leave your plant away from the other plants (at least enough distance). 

  • Fertilize the grass in the mid-autumn. Your lawn will appear lush and green in the spring because grass has the ability to store carbohydrates during the winter, which it creates with the help of fertilizer.

Your DON'Ts

  • Ignore plant diseases. If you see at least one, check recommended herbicides for particular diseases. 

  • Overspoil the fertilizers given. Give enough space for its plant to look for its nutrients. 

  • Overwork the soil. After watering the plants, leave the plants as its structures its own platform to nourish. 

  • Step on your gardening beds. Stepping on it means putting your weight on your garden and this will hinder the growth of the plants. If it happens that you need to step on your garden beds, use some board to distribute your weight evenly.